encounter on hillside drive

Have a happy and safe holiday!

Crazy good books: From Black Power/Grad Skool Rulz

Written by fabiorojas

November 22, 2012 at 5:04 am

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  1. We’ve had turkeys in our neighborhood for 15+ years now. I recently learned from a friend that they were [re-]introduced into the wild by the DNR and pretty quickly migrated to our in-city but wooded neighborhood. For the first five years or so, they were extremely aggressive. Gangs of males would attack cars. (No kidding! Of course people didn’t want to just run them over as they were such a novelty.) School children were given special permission to run inside the school during recess if a turkey was chasing them, Some people were bitten or pecked by them. I was stalked and chased by a gang of turkeys–it really was like being hounded by a juvenile gang. But now they’ve settled down and are like the other wildlife in the area. Not particularly afraid of humans, but not aggressive, either.



    November 22, 2012 at 6:28 pm

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