0% of 5,400 child refugees admitted under obama’s insanely modest program

My view of the Obama administration is that immigration reform is a second tier issue and they have little interest in pushing hard for change. For six years, Obama’s administration did little, or might have even encouraged, the massive increase in deportations, including those without criminal records. Obama proposed some extremely modest reforms which have had almost no effect on making it easier to lawfully move between nations. In some cases, he has been blocked in the courts. In other cases, the administration has been unable to properly implement its own very modest reforms.

For example, one reform was that children escaping from gang violence in Latin America could apply for asylum. Seems reasonable, but not when you learn that 0 children out of 5,400 applicants have actually moved to the United States from crime ridden nations. From The New York Times:

“Really, it’s pathetic that no child has come through this program,” said Lavinia Limón, the president and chief executive of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a nonprofit organization. Pointing to administration officials, she added, “I wonder if it were their child living in the murder capital of the world, whether they would have more sense of urgency.”

When you read the details of the policy, you quickly realize that the policy was never intended to actually let anyone in. Like most immigration policy, the rules are designed to prevent migration, not make it legal:

State Department officials said the program was also slowed by the requirement of DNA tests for parents in the United States and their children in Central America before the children could be granted entry. The officials said some parents had taken a long time to have those tests performed, further extending the delays. The process also includes security checks, medical screenings, payments for airline flights, and other paperwork.

It should be no surprise that people in impoverished areas would have problems with paying for medical tests, paternity tests, airline tickets, and endless paperwork. Most native born Americans would be hard pressed to produce this amount of materials.

In my book, Obama will go down as the deporter of children, many to their deaths. May his successor see the world as a place for free people.

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Written by fabiorojas

November 9, 2015 at 12:01 am

4 Responses

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  1. The problem is that AOR CAM (the program you describe above) is essentially the refugee family reunification policy (where the parents have refugee status in the US – AOR CAM does not require this form of parental status in order to reunify children). It doesn’t work well for refugee family reunification for all of the reasons you listed above and it comes as no surprise that it isn’t working for AOR CAM.



    November 10, 2015 at 2:27 pm

  2. Oops, make that CAM AOR.



    November 10, 2015 at 2:28 pm

  3. I haven’t read Tanya Golash-Boza’s brand new book, Deported, but I imagine it will be relevant here.



    November 10, 2015 at 6:36 pm

  4. I definitely look forward to Tanya’s book.



    November 10, 2015 at 7:47 pm

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